I was contacted and asked to make a fudge based on an old dessert loved by this gentleman’s mother. It was called Starboard Light. I had never heard of it so thought id accept the challenge. Basically it had a mint flavour with a hint of vanilla. I was actually going to just do a peppermint flavour and add some vanilla extract but then on the wonder that is Amazon I found this extract called Creme de Menthe and it
was literally the flavour that was hoped for. So I gave that a go and I have to say I loved it myself! I added dark choc chips as it gives the fudge a little texture plus it breaks down the flavour a little. The feedback was great so that’s all I can ask for. Prices are the same as any other fudge 6 for £4.50, 12 for £9 and 24 for £15.